The use of wind as a renewable energy involves the conversion of power contained in masses of moving air into rotating shaft power. The conversion process utilises aerodynamic forces (lift and/or drag) to produce a net positive turning moment on a shaft, resulting in the production of mechanical power which can be converted to electrical power.
The amount of wind power (P) harnessable at a particular site can be expressed as,
P=½ρAV³Cp Watts where
P | = | The density of air, kg/m3. |
V | = | The wind speed in m/s. |
A | = | Swept area of the blades through which the wind blows, in m2. |
Cp | = | Efficiency of conversion |
The wind speed therefore plays a vital role for energy generation as there is a non- liner (cubic) relationship between wind speed and available power.
The energy content in wind at different region varies with latitude, land - sea disposition, altitude and season. In India the factor which mostly governs the availability of wind energy at a particular site is its geographical location with respect to the monsoon wind. The availability of data on wind speed being a basic requirement for determining the feasiblity of wind power generation at any site and due to the highly uneven distribution of wind speed over the country, an assesment of the wind resource over different regions was undertaken before any plans of harnessing the wind energy were drawn for implementation.
Incentives available in the Sector
For detailed information on Interest Rate and incentive, kindly refer IREDA's Financing Norms and refer IREDA Website
IREDA is a financial institution and does not provide any subsidy. For details of Government support/incentives/policy/subsidy available if any, please contact MNRE and refer MNRE website at
Procurement Requirements
The borrower is required to follow transparent and competitive bidding procedure for procurement and shall demonstrate that the procurement procedures adopted by them are appropriate to the circumstances and that the quality goods, services and works are purchased at reasonable and competitive prices. The borrower shall provide all such information and documents reasonably required in connection with the procurement of any goods, services and works to be financed by IREDA. Wherever the loan is sanctioned against international lines of credit such as the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, kfW, etc., the relevant procurement procedures stipulated for competitive bidding process will have to be followed by the borrower.
Sl. No. | Name | Designation | Email Id | Mobile No. |
1 | Pradipta Kumar Roy | Deputy General Manager | | 8097223306 |
2 | Puran Mal Meena | Chief Manager | | 9650796774 |
3 | Ridhi Vohra | Chief Manager | | 9650999327 |
3 | Amit Dubey | Senior Manager | | 9971989840 |
4 | Brija Nandan Sahoo | Manager | | 9910103294 |
6 | Abhinav Chandra | Manager | | 9717547743 |
5 | Shravan Kumar Bhojjam | Managter | | 9810734488 |
6 | Ananya Pramanik | Manager | | 9981992847 |
8 | Shashank Gupta | Manager | | 9984512549 |
9 | Yogesh Hans Sharma | Deputy Manager | | 9871715748 |
11 | Ashok Yadav | Deputy Manager | | 9811889805 |
13 | Bhagyashree Katdare | Manager | | 7016649904 |
14 | Bibhupada Sahoo | Assistant Manager | | 9437799880 |