MNRE Scheme for Implementation of Generation Based Incentives (GBI) for Grid Interactive Wind Power Projects | ||||||||||||||||
Type of Contents | Updated Date | |||||||||||||||
Online Application for GBI/AD Scheme for Wind (2009-2012) New Notification for all Wind GBI-I claimants : 'All Claimants under Wind GBI-I scheme are hereby intimated that the GBI period under the scheme is upto 31.03.2022 and therefore, the Claimant may submit the eligible GBI claims online by 30.06.2022. It may be noted that from 1st July 2022, the portal will get automatically deactivated to receive any claims and no claim in whatsoever form will be accepted.' |
07-06-2022 | |||||||||||||||
Online Application for Registration of GBI/AD and claim of GBI (2012-2017) (New Notification) All the GBI beneficiaries are hereby advised to ensure not to submit any claim for which GBI is already released or GBI is already released to the maximum limit. Please note that submission of same claim agian for which GBI is already released of tantamount to over claiming the GBI or false claim. (date 11-08-2023) ![]() ![]() |
28-07-2023 | |||||||||||||||
![]() 1) All the claimants are mandatorily required to upload the attested copy of all the Financial documents upto FY 2023-24 latest by 31st December 2024, failing which further claims would not be processed under Wind GBI-II Scheme. 2) Notification on timeline for monthly claim submission under Wind GBI-II scheme Monthly claims are required to be submitted within three months from respective month i.e. claim for the month of December can be submitted latest by 31st March. Note: GBI claims which are not in compliance with above timelines, IREDA shall not be responsible to process such claims and GBI for the month may be treated as ZERO, if there is no proper justification for delay. These timelines are required to be strictly followed by all Wind GBI claimants so as to avoid any loss of incentive by them. 3) Notification on timeline for submission of financial documents under Wind GBI-II scheme All the claimants are mandatorily required to upload the attested copy of all the Financial documents upto FY 2022-23 latest by 31st December, 2023 failing which further claims would not be processed under Wind GBI-II Scheme. |
11-11-2024 22-12-2023 |
Notification on timeline for monthly claim submission under Wind GBI‐II scheme : Notification on Account activation in new Wind GBI portal and claim submission |
14-09-2023 | |||||||||||||||
Notification: “Final request for sharing Email details for creating login Accounts in new Wind GBI portal” (27-07-2023) In response to our request dt. 3rd March, 2023, followed by reminders, for sharing the email IDs for creating accounts in the new Wind GBI portal ( which is login ID based ), we have not received details in all the projects which is delaying the Go-Live. As we are ready to make the system Go-Live, we once again request you to share the details in the pending projects so as not to miss out any account and avoid further delay. Notification to Wind GBI claimants on migration of existing portal to new ERP. The new portal is under data migration. IREDA will update the date of Go-live shortly “Notification to Wind GBI claimants on migration of existing portal to new ERP All the Wind GBI claimants are hereby informed that the existing Wind GBI portal shall be under migration and claims may be submitted at this portal upto 31.03.2023 2400 Hrs. New ERP is likely to Go-Live from 10th April, 2023. Post 31.03.2023 2400 Hrs. the existing portal will be permanently deactivated for uploading the claims and all the claimants would mandatorily be required to upload the claim documents in the New portal. IREDA will update the date of launch of the new portal shortly.” Notification (updated as on 18.03.2023) Methodology to calculate GBI for the Wind power projects installed in Rajasthan under Wind GBI Scheme As per the directions of MNRE dt 09.03.2023, the methodology to calculate eligible amount of GBI for the wind power projects installed in Rajasthan under Wind GBI Scheme, as under: i) Calculation of GBI without considering losses; ii) Consideration of JMR whichever (either at licensee's' premises or at pooling substation (project premises) as submitted by the developer; iii) Reconcile and adjust amount released in previous claims as per JMR, without considering losses. Accordingly IREDA shall be adjusting the amount earlier released in the projects of Rajasthan against transmission loss in the next release. All the claimants are requested to note the above methodology during future claim submission and submit JMR either at licensee's' premises or at pooling substation (project premises) since beginning of GBI claim. ![]()
27-07-2023 11-04-2023 09-03-2023 18-03-2023 22-08-2022 |
Operational Guidelines for Wind GBI and AD | May 26, 2010 | |||||||||||||||
IREDA new financing scheme towards “Bridge loan against GBI Claims Payable to Renewable Energy Developers under MNRE Scheme for Generation Based Incentive (GBI) for grid interactive Wind and Solar power projects”. Click here for details Bridge Loan Sanctioned against Wind GBI Claims Status as on 27/06/2016 Bridge Loan Disbursed to wind GBI Claimants against their respective sanctions Status as on 27/06/2016 Operational Guidelines for Wind GBI Extension Scheme (2012-2017) Operational Guidelines for Implementation of Registration under (“Accelerated Depreciation Scheme for Wind Power Projects” applicable since 01.04.2014) Clarification for the GBI Application under Extension Wind GBI Scheme announced by MNRE Guidlines for submission and processing of GBI cliams (GBI I & II Scheme) - Revised as on 22-11-2018 Online intimation for GBI payments through E-mail/SMS Wind GBI / ADNotification for all Wind GBI Claimants(date 03-June-2016) Notification for all Wind GBI Claimants (date 16-March-2017) |
Status of Funds received and Released under WIND GBI Schemes (As on 23.01.2025) | ||
Schemes | Receipt of Funds from MNRE | Fund Disbursed to Project Developers |
Amount (Rs.Cr.) | Amount (Rs. Cr.) | |
GBI- I | 10326.73 | 1110.67 |
GBI- II | 8787.89 | |
Demo | 30.05 | 30.05 |
GBI Registration Status | ||
Schemes | Period of scheme | Capacity Registered (MW) |
GBI- II | 01.04.2012 - 31.03.2017 | 11593.5 |
GBI- I | 17.12.2009 - 31.03.2012 | 2031.38 |
Demo | Scheme limited to first 49 MW registered | 48.9 |