
New & Emerging Technologies

New and Emerging Technologies

Green Hydrogen

Green hydrogen shall mean hydrogen produced using renewable energy, including, but not limited to, production through electrolysis or conversion of biomass. Renewable energy also includes such electricity generated from renewable sources which is stored in an energy storage system or banked with the grid in accordance with applicable regulations.

For Green Hydrogen produced through electrolysis ­ The non-biogenic greenhouse gas emissions arising from water treatment, electrolysis, gas purification and drying and compression of hydrogen shall not be greater than 2 kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilogram of Hydrogen (kg CO2-eq/kg Hydrogen), taken as an average over last 12-month period.

For Green Hydrogen produced through conversion of biomass – The non-biogenic greenhouse gas emissions arising from biomass processing, heat/steam generation, conversion of biomass to hydrogen, gas purification and drying and compression of hydrogen shall not be greater than 2 kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilogram of Hydrogen (kg CO2-eq /kg Hydrogen) taken as an average over last 12-month period.

List of officers Name in sector - Green Hydrogen
Sl. No. Name Designation Email Id Mobile No.
1 Rajneesh Rai Deputy General Manager 011- 24347729-99
Ext. No. 264

2 Shekhar Gupta  Senior  Manager 011- 24347729-99
Ext. No. 264

Fuel Cell

Fuel cells work like batteries, but they do not run down or need recharging. They produce electricity and heat as long as fuel is supplied. Fuel cells are the most energy efficient devices for extracting power from fuels. Capable of running on a variety of fuels, including hydrogen, natural gas, and biogas, fuel cells can provide clean power for applications ranging from less than a watt to multiple megawatts. A fuel cell consists of two electrodes, a negative electrode (or anode) and a positive electrode (or cathode), sandwiched around an electrolyte. 

Fuel cells can be used in a wide range of applications, including transportation, material handling and stationary, portable, and emergency backup power. Stationary fuel cells can be used for backup power, power for remote locations, distributed power generation, and cogeneration (in which excess heat released during electricity generation is used for other applications). Fuel cells can power almost any portable application that typically uses batteries, from hand-held devices to portable generators. 

Fuel cells directly convert the chemical energy in hydrogen to electricity, with pure water and potentially useful heat as the only by-products. Hydrogen-powered fuel cells are not only pollution-free, but also can have more than two times the efficiency of traditional combustion technologies.  

Fuel cell vehicles, which use electric motors, are much more energy efficient. The fuel cell system can use 60% of the fuel's energy, corresponding to more than a 50% reduction in fuel consumption compared to a conventional vehicle with a gasoline internal combustion engine. 

The benefits of fuel cells are

  • Reduced greenhouse gas emissions. 
  • High Reliability. 
  • Flexibility in installation and operation. 
  • Development of renewable energy resources. 
  • Reduced demand for foreign oil. 
  • Improved environmental quality. 

Battery Powered Vehicles



The important issues of concern today are environmental pollution and energy conservation. In India, these issues are more significant, in view of the alarming rise in pollution levels due to automobiles in the metropolis and the need to conserve fast depleting oil resources. The need for use of Electric Vehicles (EV) has been well recognised. A significant step in this direction has been the introduction of Battery Operated Vehicles (Electric Vehicles), which are pollution free, eco-friendly with zero emission. Unlike the conventional cars that use petroleum fuels to power internal combustion engines, the electric car is run by a direct current electric motor powered by a rechargeable battery pack. Electric vehicles are used today in sizeable numbers for specialised applications, viz., industrial, recreational, road transports.

Objective of the Scheme

To promote, support, accelerate the development and rapid commercialisation of Battery Powered Vehicles, as an alternative to petrol/diesel operated vehicles, by providing financial and technical assistance to the prospective developers.

Socio-Economic and Environmental Benefits

The running of Battery Powered Vehicle is not only pollution free but eco-friendly too and yields benefits such as

  • Electric vehicles are more efficient than gasoline vehicles.
  • Pollution free, as no unpleasant smell or toxic gas is emitted.
  • Easy manoeuvrability and excellent driving comfort.
  • Greenhouse gas (carbon dioxide) emissions associated with electric vehicles are low.
  • Highly reliable.
  • Reduces dependence on imported petroleum fuels.
  • No noise pollution.
  • Maintenance cost are low and life time operating costs are comparable with gasolinevehicles.
Incentives available in the sector

May please refer to IREDA Financing Guidelines available.
Further, the details related of Government support/incentives/policy if any, may be obtained from MNRE website.

Electric Mobility Segment

EV is a type of vehicle that is propelled by electric motors unlike normal internal combustion engines (ICE). The heart of an EV lies in its batteries commonly referred to as EV batteries from where the automobile extracts energy to power itself. EV is an acronym for Electric Vehicles.
Niti Ayog forecasts EV sale penetration of 80% for two and three-wheelers, 50% for four-wheelers, and 40% for buses by 2030. This presents a vast opportunity for EV Players in India. To meet this goal, development of robust manufacturing and deployment infrastructure for Green-mobility and charging infrastructure shall play a major role.
IREDA has financed many Electric Fleet projects, Extended Line of Credit (s) to NBFCs towards EV, EV Manufacturing projects, Battery Swapping & Charging Infrastructure etc in different parts of the country.

Broad Features of IREDA Financing Scheme/ Norms for Electric Mobility Segment: 
Loan Quantum
It varies from project to project and risk perception. However, IREDA loan quantum goes upto 80% of the appraised project cost in case of EV Fleet & Charging Infrastructure proposals and 70% in case of EV Manufacturing facilities.
Loan Period
  • Upto 80% of residual value of the contract or 8 Years, whichever is lower, in case of EV Fleet Proposals
  • Upto 7 years in case of EV Manufacturing facilities
  • Upto 10 years in case of EV Charging Infrastructure
Moratorium Period For EV Manufacturing facilities - upto 1.5 years
For EV Fleet/ Charging Infra - upto 1 year
Securities Mortgage of immovable assets, Hypothecation over movable properties and assets, including plant & machinery, Charge on project cash flows/receivables, 2 Quarter DSRA etc. However, one or more additional securities such as Collateral security equivalent to 10% of the loan amount, Corporate and/or Personal Guarantees, Pledge of shares (minimum 51%) of the applicant company, 3rd party Guarantee, Deposit of PDCs / NACH, Demand Promissory Note, BG/FDR for not less than 10% of loan etc., are also obtained based on risk perception and as per financing norms of IREDA.
Interest Rate As per the Interest rate matrix, revised from time to time and updated on IREDA’s Website.

Smart Metering/ Advanced Metering Infrastructure Segment

Smart meters are a new generation of energy meters that allow to learn about consumer’s consumption pattern and help utilities conduct system monitoring and customer billing without manual intervention.
A smart meter records information such as consumption of electric energy, voltage levels, current, and power factor. Smart meters communicate the information to the consumer for greater clarity of consumption behaviour, and electricity suppliers for system monitoring and customer billing.
Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) enables two-way communication between the meter and the utility which enable the utilities to fully monitor, control and manage the grid and its functions. Smart meter also allows gathering and collection of power consumption data, usage patterns, outages, thefts, leakages and much more in near-real time.
The prepaid function in a smart meter operates similarly to a prepaid mobile. Consumer is required to recharge the meter in advance to use electricity. The prepaid function helps in avoiding unexpected bills and allows consumer to budget their usage.
The Government of India is taking various initiatives to boost the adoption of smart meters in the country. It has launched initiatives such as Smart Meter National Programme that aims to replace 25 crores (250 million) conventional meters with smart meters in India. Additionally, the State Governments are also investing significantly in boosting smart meter adoption state-wise. The Government of India launched the Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) in 2021 with an outlay of Rs. 3,03,758 crores. The Scheme aims to reduce the Aggregate Technical & Commercial (AT&C) losses to pan-India levels of 12-15% and Average Cost of Supply (ACS)-Average Revenue Realized (ARR) gap to zero by 2024-25.
The Scheme has a major focus on improving electricity supply for the farmers through separation of agriculture feeders and for providing daytime electricity to them by convergence with Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha Evam Utthan Mahabhiyan (PM-KUSUM) Scheme for solarization of agriculture feeders.

All North-Eastern States including Sikkim and States/Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, and Lakshadweep will be treated as Special Category States.

Broad Features of IREDA Financing Scheme/ Norms for Smart Metering Segment: 
Loan Quantum Upto 75% of the project cost
Loan Period Upto 80% of the contract period with DISCOMs
Moratorium Period Upto 12 months
Securities Hypothecation over movable properties pertaining to smart meter project, Charge on project cash flows/receivables/ escrow account, 2 Quarter DSRA, assignment of project documents, Corporate and/or Personal Guarantees, Pledge of shares (minimum 51%) of the applicant company, Deposit of PDCs / NACH, BG/FD, Commercial Property/ Residential Property to the extent of 15% of the loan amount etc. as per IREDA guidelines (mandatory for the cases where DDF Agreements are not available) based on risk perception and as per financing norms of IREDA.
Interest Rate As per the Interest rate matrix, revised from time to time and updated on IREDA’s Website.


List of officers working in E-mobility and Smart Meter Sectors
Sl. No. Name Designation Email Id Mobile No.
1 Poorva Mathur Senior Manager sharmapoorva[at]ireda[dot]in 9958435566
2 Abhishek Kumar Manager abhishekkumar@ireda.in 8826299477
3 Naman Rawat Deputy Manager namant@ireda.in 9958264969
Last Updated on 13/11/2024