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SBICAP Trustee Company Ltd
SBICAP Trustee Company Limited Mistry Bhavan, 4th Floor, 122 Dinshaw Vachha Road, ,Churchgate, Mumbai – 400020
- IREDA Tax free Bonds Series-XIII
- IREDA Taxable Bond Series XIII C
- IREDA Unsecured Taxable Bonds Series XI-A, XII-A, XII-B,XII-C, and XII-D
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Vistra ITCL (India) Limited
Vistra ITCL (India) Limited, Plot C-22,G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai- 400051
- IREDA Taxable Bonds Series III-B to V-B, VI-A, VI-B and XIV C
- Tax Free Bond Series XIV
- GOI-Fully Serviced Bonds
- IREDA Taxable Green Bonds Bonds Series VII A and B
- IREDA Taxable, Redeemable, Non-cumulative,Non-Convertible, Subordinated Tier II Series-VIII
- IREDA Taxable Bond Series IX A & IXB
- IREDA Taxable, Redeemable, Non-cummulative, Non-Convertible, Subordinated Tier II Series-X
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Beacon Trusteeship Limited
Mr. Kautubh Kulkarni
4C & D Siddivinayak Chambers
Ghandhi Nagar, Opp. MIG Cricket Club Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051
Tel. No. 022-26558759
Email Id: compliance@beacotrustee.co.in
IREDA Taxable Unsecured Series XV-A , XV-B , XV-C, XV-D, XV-E, XV-F, XV-G and XV-H